Come see us in action!
These are events we’ll be speaking at, and where we’ll be helping authors to learn how to share their stories.
We have our upcoming events listed below, with the next upcoming event at the top. All events have links for more information and to register – be sure to take some time and invest in your writing!
If you are looking for a speaker at your next workshop or conference, be sure to visit our Speaking Engagements page. We have presented on a variety of publishing related subjects to a wide range of audience types, including groups of elementary school students, published and soon-to-be-published writers and authors, senior writing groups, and various business groups. We would be happy to discuss how we might address the needs of your specific audience. Give us a call at 937-58-BOOKS or email us at info@braughlerbooks, and let us know what you’re looking for. We look forward to hearing from you!

‘Writers R the Best Weirdos’ Podcast with Julia Roberts
Julia Roberts is a leading writer and creativity expert and recently interviewed the CEO of Braughler Books for an Episode of the ‘Writers R the Best Weirdos’ podcast. In podcast episode 3 to be aired on June 27, you can hear David Braughler provide key advice and recommendations for those looking to publish a book in the coming year. Julia’s fun-focused podcasts give tips and techniques on a variety of hot writer topics.
Listen to David on this 2023 podcast, where he will discuss Publishing 101, what’s the right publishing path for your book, and the difference between traditional, hybrid publishing and DIY self-publishing.
The Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop
The next Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop will be Oct 20-22, 2022, on the campus of the University of Dayton, Erma Bombeck’s alma mater. This year’s workshop includes an in-person option as well as a virtual-only option.
The 2022 workshop will feature New York Times’ bestselling authors, Saturday Night Live legends, Emmy Award winners, Thurber Prize winners, a Moth GrandSLAM winner, the author of the Bible (The New Comedy Bible, that is), screenwriters and a slew of celebrated comedians and authors. With her special blend of grace and humor, stand-up comedian Leighann Lord will emcee.
David will be leading a Nuts-and-Bolts Session: Publishing 101
What’s the right publishing path for your book? Struggling to understand the difference between traditional, hybrid publishing and DIY self-publishing? Grab a cup of coffee and a bagel and learn about the essentials of editing, cover design, formatting, ISBNs and copyright, marketing, retail and library distribution. You’ll leave knowing the questions you should be asking yourself before you publish your book.

Ohio Christian Writers Conference
The Ohio Christian Writers Conference, in Ashville, OH, draws dozens of the of the industry’s writers and authors together to learn craft and grow their careers. The conference introduces authors to cutting-edge writing instruction and marketing topics from industry experts and thought leaders. They hope to inspire first-time authors to seasoned professionals and help them wherever they are at on their publishing journey. The Ohio Christian Writers Conference is the perfect way for you to find out more about becoming a Serious Writer. It’s about equipping you with the skills, tools, and abilities you need to continue growing on your writing journey.

Antioch Writers Workshop – Three Paths to Publishing
If you’re writing a book and starting to think about how you’ll publish it, then this session is for you. Will you take the traditional approach? Or maybe self-publish? David will discuss three paths to publishing your book and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
The Antioch Writers Workshop fosters the art and craft of creative writing by supporting writers at all levels through mentorship, community, and inspiration.

Ohio Christian Writers Conference
The Ohio Christian Writers Conference, in Ashville, OH, draws dozens of the of the industry’s writers and authors together to learn craft and grow their careers. OHCWC is a regional gathering of dozens of writers in your area. The conference introduces authors to cutting-edge writing instruction and marketing topics from industry experts and thought leaders. They hope to inspire first-time authors to seasoned professionals and help them wherever they are at on their publishing journey. The Ohio Christian Writers Conference is the perfect way for you to find out more about becoming a Serious Writer. It’s about equipping you with the skills, tools, and abilities you need to continue growing on your writing journey.
Mentor Meetup
Cultivate is a Grove City, OH based non-profit that provides technology & B2B companies with growth support through workspace, funding connections & new customers. This Mentor Meetup is a great opportunity to connect with up to four business experts at no charge. Subject matter experts will be on hand to address publishing (of course!), social media, legal matters, technical assistance and general entrepreneurial and small business questions.

The 33rd Annual Antioch Writers’ Summer Workshop
The summer program will feature keynoter and Sunday morning creative writing craft class instructor Connie Schultz, a renowned, award-winning columnist. Additionally, they have a line-up of stellar faculty and guest speakers focusing on fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction and the business of publishing.
This workshop is unique, in that they offer three options for attending and making the most of the opportunities: a full week option, a morning option, and a weekend option. And if you are local to the Dayton area, the Saturday evening keynote with Connie Schultz is free and open to the public. Follow the link below to learn more.
Braughler Books will be participating in a panel discussion on Publishing Options in a Saturday afternoon breakout session. Bring your questions and ideas to the panel discussion, or look for us between sessions.

The Windsor (CN) International Writer’s Conference
Writers at any stage of their career and from anywhere in the world are encouraged to attend. Registration includes all meals, workshops, pitch sessions, intensive round table discussions, panels, guest speakers, contests, and networking opportunities.
Keynote speakers will include Charlie Angus of the NDP, The Book Doctors, Deborah Dundas of the Toronto Star, author Michele “Wojo” Wojciechowski, Brian Henry of The Quick Brown Fox writers’ blog, and authors Andrew Pyper and Nick Cutter. In addition to such insightful voices, there will also be several publishing houses and writers agencies in attendance, including ChiZine Press, Mirror World Publishing, Walkerville Publishing, Braughler Books, and The Rights Factory Agency, among others. (Braughler Books will be participating in several roundtable discussions, a publishing panel, as well as being available for one on one consultations through the weekend.)
Writers will get the opportunity to network, receive feedback on their work, improve their writing skills, learn more about the publishing and self-publishing industry as well as get the chance to enter writing contests and pitch their work before industry professionals. If you’ve ever dreamed of being a successful writer, this conference is your chance to hone your craft and make connections in the industry.

Ever thought of writing and publishing a book? Entrepreneurs can make great authors! Here is an opportunity for entrepreneurs and business people to get their book moving and completed.
We will be presenting brand new material in this workshop, designed specifically for business people desiring to publish a book. During the workshop, you will be introduced to the concept of the “Authorpreneur.” The discussion will teach you how to leverage skills that entrepreneurs are great at – presenting ideas, managing timelines and budgets, and executing on a plan – to show you how to get your book completed. You will also hear from successful Authorpreneurs who can attest to the impact that publishing a book has had on their businesses.
The Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop
We’ll be on hand once again to celebrate and share with the wonderful writers, authors and creatives at the 2018 Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop.
Here are the sessions we’ll be directly participating in. (But don’t hesitate to come find us between sessions!)
What’s The Real Deal? Uncovering The Best Publishing Options for Your Book. Moderator: Dr. Nancy Berk. Panelists: David Braughler, Donna Cavanagh, Cindy Ratzlaff. It’s ready and waiting — all your amazing book needs is a great publisher. But in the ever-changing writing world with many publishing and promotional options, do you know how to identify your best match? This panel will cover the pros and cons of traditional and independent publishing, the fascinating overlaps and gaps, and strategies, tips and tricks to maximize your publishing success.
Speed Dating for Writers. Multiple Experts. Back by popular demand. Need encouragement or advice? Seasoned writers, marketers and agents will answer your questions and share writing and publishing tips. It’s based on a speed-dating model that allows writers to learn a variety of perspectives from the pros in a short amount of time.
Get Your Book Published! with Donna Cavanagh and David Braughler. Struggling to decide between hybrid publishing and hands-on DIY publishing? Unsure of how to handle ISBN’s, copyrights and the Library of Congress? And what about getting your book into libraries and bookstores? From the mechanics of publishing to the realities of marketing and distribution, publishing experts David Braughler and Donna Cavanagh are available to meet individually with writers to discuss the questions you should be asking yourself before publishing your book.