At Braughler Books, we help you tell your story.

Braughler Books is a hybrid publishing company offering book publishing services and consultations to first-time and repeat authors. We focus on a collaborative approach with our authors, partnering with them from the submitted manuscript through national and international distribution.

Author Consultations

Have you already made decisions on layout, design, printing and distribution? Are you looking for expert guidance and advice on publishing your book, regardless of who you partner with? Consult with one of our experts to help make your next decision with clarity.

Book Publishing Services

Braughler Books works one-on-one with authors to help them publish a high-quality book, using a blend of traditional and digital printing methods, as well as electronic publishing and distribution. Whether your book will have a hard or soft cover, be coil-bound, eBook or audiobook, we’ll guide you through the process, ensuring that your finished book speaks to your readers.

Our Experience

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The staff at Braughler Books have a combined four decades of publishing experience, including 10 years as the Mighty Team at Braughler Books.
0 happy authors
We have worked with hundreds of authors and clients around the world!
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Over the past ten years, Braughler Books has published hundreds of titles, including books in the following genres: children’s, business, faith, self-help, memoir and autobiography, history, poetry, technical, humor, and wide range of nonfiction and fiction books.

Our Authors are Happy Authors!

Braughler Books has years of experience in providing clients with a variety of high-quality, personalized publishing services—and it shows!

Have a look at some of the testimonials, reviews, and stories of success from our happy authors.

Let us help you tell your story!

Get in touch with Braughler Books today and let us help you tell your story.